"My family has the opportunity to enjoy a meal together without worrying about the cost. Thank you for caring."
- Holiday Assistance Program Participant
The Brashear CARES Food Pantry
Brashear offers immediate assistance to individuals and families, through the Brashear Food Pantry in collaboration with Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, LifeSPAN, and our Holiday Assistance Program.
The Brashear CARES Food Pantry offers a variety of food staples, including canned goods and shelf-stable items, dairy products, meats, and fresh produce (when available), The Pantry also offers pet food and other basic commodities, such as soap and toilet paper. The Pantry is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 pm-4:00 pm, currently as a Grab'n'Go distribution at the main location, 320 Brownsville Road, using the Ibis Way entrance in the rear of the building. Please call 412-431-2236 to schedule a food pickup, or use our online scheduling tool below to let us know which day you are coming.
Brashear's Pantry is open to residents living within the 15203, 15210, 15211, and 15227 zip codes. Anyone visiting the pantry should be 18 or older and at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Participants may obtain food once per month, and those with children can visit twice. Annual registration is required for each household.
Food is provided by the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, Aldi (South Side), 412 Food Rescue, and the Hilltop Urban Farm.
Holiday Assistance Program
Brashear also offers Holiday Assistance during the winter season, providing food, gift cards, and toys to families in our Hilltop communities. Please follow us on our website or social media for updates. Registration for this program begins October 1 through October 31st of each year.

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4 hr 15 min