The Neighborhood Employment Center
Brashear's employment services are currently offered at the Brashear Neighborhood Employment Center at 730 East Warrington Avenue in the Allentown neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Employment services will also be offered at the new Brashear CARES Center.
The Neighborhood Employment Center offers job readiness preparation and job search and retention assistance to unemployed and underemployed adult residents throughout our service area. To schedule an appointment with our Employment Case Manager, select on of the available services below.
Employment Opportunities at Brashear
The Brashear Association is a social services agency supporting and enriching individuals, families and community organizations. Our mission is to provide resources and support for individuals and families living in 12 neighborhoods in South Pittsburgh.
Our philosophy is that “Everyone deserves a fair shot”! Through its provision of social services programs Brashear recognizes community strengths in diversity and encourages self-help, citizen education and community engagement.
If you are a passionate self-starter, the Brashear Association is a great organization for you.